Metal Die Cast Deflashing

Deflashing metal die casts

With the filled polyamide deflashing media  Emsodur GV for metal die casts even delicate metal die casts can be deflashed. Usually, aluminum, zinc or magnesium die casts are deflashed with the filled polyamide blasting media.

Recommended products:

Emsodur GV

Metal Die Cast Deflashing with a filled deflashing media


When deflashing metal die cast mouldings we are faced with the following dilemma: Fine metal blasting grit produces good surfaces but the deflashing ratio is poor, while heavier grades of metal grit do a good deflashing job but tend to mar the surfaces or even destroy delicate areas such as threads, slits, fins, hinged flaps etc.


Emsodur has been successful in developing a loaded deflashing/blasting media. Thanks to the binding of the load with the plastic media the media features a combination of abrasion resistance and a long life span equal to other non-filled Emsodur grades. It’s higher densitiy raises the kinetic energy considerably.


The possible applications in deflashing metal compression mouldings are thus essentially widened: High deflashing efficiency can either be combined with a gentle polishing effect or with no surface polishing effect at all.


It is also possible to mix our media with the blasting grit you have been using so far. This would raise the deflashing effect, whilst when choosing a finer grade metal blasting grit, the surface finish of the media blasted parts is improved.



Application, markets, machines

Shot blasting facilities / Shot blasting machines

Emsodur GV can be used in a wide variety of systems. These are among others:

  • Conveyor systems
  • Bulk material facilities
  • Blast wheel (turbine)
  • Free blasting (with/without direct extraction)
  • Injector process

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